
Real Equities Advisors is the Midwests premier real estate
advisory company. We specialize in turnaround restructuring, repositioning
and asset management of multifamily real estate holdings for institutional
clients. Real Equities also acquires properties for clients as well
as for its own portfolio.
Our proprietary, five-point diagnostic evaluation allows us to accurately
analyze property financial performance, human resources, business
strategy, physical condition and market position. Using the data
gathered, we then custom design a specialized approach to help your
management company achieve your optimum results. We also have the
experience and the ability to assist in the restructuring and repositioning
of underperforming real estate assets. Collectively, our team of
professionals has over 50 years ofexperience in real estate investment,
asset management, repositioning, capital markets and finance.
Most importantly, we produce solid, long-term investment results
for our clients and partners.
Thats the REAL promise!