Our objective is to provide our partners with superior risk-adjusted returns through a combination of stable cash flow and equity appreciation. In order to achieve this objective, we invest in value-added assets or properties in markets where superior risk-adjusted returns may be realized through market timing and repositioning.

Through comprehensive due diligence, we identify assets and markets which lend themselves to our objective of stable cash flow and equity appreciation. Critical to acquiring an income producing asset is our thorough market/demographic research and identifying the lifecycle of the investments. Since many of our acquisitions target underperforming assets, we rely heavily on the strength of our related company, Real Equities Property Management, to deliver superior leasing and management results.
Physical improvements may be a necessary component to achieving our investment objectives. Identifying deferred maintenance and obsolescence during due diligence is important. However, just as important is the ability to identify those improvements that will generate increased rents over the long term and those markets where increasing rents are possible.

That’s the REAL promise.


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